Wednesday 29 September 2010

Egypt Packages - Make A List And Check It Twice

By Mika Lindt

Many people know to create a checklist before they travel. And then, as they load their suitcase, they can simply tick off the objects they pack.

I take it a couple of steps further. I make separate lists for my checked baggage and my carry on backpack. Call me anal, but this really helps me bring everything that I expected to bring.

Being a frequent traveler, I simply create my list utilizing a spreadsheet, print it out, make small modifications from trip to trip, and save it to my pc.

I also make a few lists that I bring with me to Thailand and use while I'm there.

The first list I personally use is my "upon arrival" shopping list. This list includes objects that I'll instantly buy when I arrive in Bangkok. It contains things like bottled water, telephone card to recharge my SIM, and any toiletries that I will need. It would once include a cigarette lighter, but security has lightened up and I can currently carry one on my person.

The next list that I use is my initial shopping trip list. I make use of this list when I arrive at my destination city. Bangkok is simply a one-night stop over. This has my beverages, snacks, additional toiletries, and some other amenities that I'll be utilizing. I always have the bellboy clear out the refrigerator/mini-bar so that I can stock it with what I would like at a very much cheaper cost.

One list that I use all through the trip is my souvenir list. This has objects that I wish to buy for myself, family and friends. It might even consist of requests from co-workers. I attempt to get this list finished the moment I can because I don't like to do last minute shopping.

When it is time to return home, I kind of make use of my initial packing list, along with my souvenir list to make sure that I have everything. I really wish to ensure that I have all of my gadgets and all of the cables, wires, and plugs.

I charge all of my electronics before I pack them to ensure that I'll be able to use them on board the plane or in the terminals. I also charge any spare batteries that I have.

Making packing, shopping, upon arrival and souvenir lists really assists me reach my destination without leaving behind things back home. Attempt creating these couple of checklists and determine if it assists your travel go a bit smoother. You should find that traveling overseas is not as painful as you first thought it'd be.

If you want to know more about topic, you might want to check out a great read I found online. Go here: Cairo Luxor Tour

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