Wednesday 29 September 2010

Why Most Guys Get Shot Down: Factors

By Razile Dalap

Have you ever had that moment when you could feel the "let down" made by a women, even before it came? If that's the case, have you ever stopped brooding about what? was actually causing that to ensue?

Let's consider the three problems areas, so that you'll certainly not have to feel the frustration of the "let down" again...

Mistake #1 Waiting too Long to Make a Move

Of course, timing is considerably more important to women than it is to men. If you wait before it's too late to make a move on a woman you'll be at a "point of no return" where you'll undoubtedly never get another opportunity.

Why is this? Well, unluckily this is something which has been developed into woman's minds by romantic movies where the man purges in at the PERFECT moment and carries the woman off into the sunset.

Mistake #2 Too Much Information

No matter how intelligent and penetrating a person is, just about everyone is untimely in making judgments about people. For instance, when a single woman first meets a man, she starts sizing him close to determine whether or not he is datable. The more information that you give her, the quicker she considers she knows what he's all about.

Now let's face it, all of us have imperfections and typically we're better off showing our good points and getting someone "hooked" before they have a reason to write us off. This is very true with regards to getting women interested.

Mistake #3 Being Too Nice

Okay, you don't have to get impolite to a woman when you meet her...but let's contemplate this: if you meet someone who is being very, really nice to you... aren't you going to be risky about their motives? One of the biggest mistakes that "nice guys" make is thinking that they are actually being nice to a woman by going unnecessary to do things for her.

This is not being good, it's fact distribution. You're out to get something from her... you know that, I know that, and she knows that. Now there's nothing at all wrong with wanting something from her. But if you make it too noticeable too soon... you'll lose her trust and her interest as well as it.

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